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Corso di Laurea Magistrale Geografia, gestione del territorio, beni culturali per la cooperazione internazionale


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Workshops within the course in Urban Desing (Prof. Luisa Bravo).
Dear students, as Prof. Bravo explained during the class, three different workshops have been organized within my course Urban Design:

1. Tuesday 19 November: HOW TO DEVELOP AN URBAN DESIGN PROPOSAL (as an urban designer applying a top-down approach), 1-3 (room Apollo, Piazza Brunelleschi 4) + 3-5  (room Battilani, via Santa Reparata 25 red). 
2. Tuesday 3 December: PUBLIC HEARING SIMULATION (as an urban designer engaged in a bottom-up approach), 1-3 (room Apollo, Piazza Brunelleschi 4) + 3-5  (aula Battilani, via Santa Reparata 25 red). 
3. Wednesday 11 December, 1-3 (room 107, via Laura 48) + Thursday 12 December, 11-1 (room Parva, via San Gallo 10): FUTURE CITY CO-DESIGN. Learning from what has worked in Europe, with guest lecturer Dr Husam Al Waer, University of Dundee.
Attendance is strongly recommended to these three workshops, especially to the public hearing simulation (evaluated as 15% of your final grade), since students will have to work on a specific assignment after that (15% of your final grade).

Since the activities of the course have been rescheduled in order to accomodate the three workshops, there won't be class in the following dates: 

- Wednesday November 20
- Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 November 

Also there won't be any class on December 16-17-18, since during that week teaching activities are suspended for final exams. 
19 November 2019
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