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Corso di Laurea Magistrale Geografia, gestione del territorio, beni culturali per la cooperazione internazionale


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International webinar

Gozargah (Herat): Towards the UNESCO nomination - October 17th, 2020

A webinar with the title "Gozargah - Towards UNESCO Nomination" takes place on Saturday, October 17th at 9:00 am (the webina program is available here)

The main aim of the webinar is to gather basic information on the historical site of Gozargah, located in the Herat urban area.  Due to the current pandemic, in fact, the site is not physically accessible to Florence researchers.
The webinar lies in the framework of a cooperation project between the Laboratory for Social Geography - LaGeS of the University of Florence and the Afghan Ministry for Urban Development and Land and gives the opportunity to grasp the specific LaGeS approach to international cooperation in the field of urban management.

All those who are interested can join the webinar through the following link:

The degree committee

16 October 2020
UniFI Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione Home Page

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