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Spring semester

General information and upcoming events

Dear students, 

We are glad to announce the beginning of the 2022-2023 spring semester, which is coming together with some important initiatives we would like to draw your attention to.

First, as you probably already know, the fifth edition of the International Teaching Week (Settimana didattica internazionale) of the SAGAS Department (to which our Master Degree belongs) is going to be held between February 27 and March 4. In this framework, the following initiatives are specifically targeted to you. 

On Tuesday February 28 in via Capponi 9, Aula 1, at 14:00, you are invited to meet all of us, professors and researchers, who are involved in the Master's programme, for a presentation of the course and a discussion on interests, perspectives as well as organizational and practical aspects.

The following day, Wednesday March 1, in the same place (Via Capponi 9, Aula 1) at 11:00, a meeting is scheduled with Dr. Sara Mori of the Humanities Library of the University of Florence, who is going to discuss with you about the Library's database.

Finally, within the framework of the Percorso di Eccellenza programme of the SAGAS Department, our Master's contributes to the international week of the aforementioned programme with the lecture by Prof. Thomas Maloutas (Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens) titled "Fragmented lives in spatial proximity". The public lecture will take place in Aula Parva, Via San Gallo 10 (first floor), at 15:00, and you are warmly invited to participate.

Regarding other news, the lectures’ schedule for the second semester has been finalized and is now published on our website. Please consider that changes are always possible. We remind you that it is important to regularly check the news section of the site as well as the timetable so as to stay updated regarding the various activities. 

We would also like to remind you to register to the Moodle pages of second semester classes, so as to be in direct contact with your professors and not miss any relevant information concerning the ongoing courses. 

We wish you a great start of the semester again.

20 February 2023
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