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Stampa la notizia: Sguardi sul territorio

Sguardi sul territorio

An artistic multimedia installation at the Mercato di Sant'Ambrogio (Firenze, May 14-30)

Dear students, 

we are pleased to announce the inauguration of the artistic multimedia installation "Sguardi sul territorio", realized by Studio Azzurro in collaboration with the Joint Laboratory "Tecniche audiovisuali per la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale intangibile". 

The installation takes place in the framework of the project "Il Paniere di Sant'Ambrogio", funded by Regione Toscana, and focuses on the role of agricoltural practices in the protection and preservation of places and territories.

More information on the poster below and on this flyer

You're all invited to visit the installation. 

The degree committee



09 May 2022
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